jerry bigbenefits

Big Benefits and Budget-Friendly

Case Studies

Jerry and his wife Shona, now in their 80s, have lived in their charming 1932 weatherboard home in Auckland for 40 years. Like many homes from that era, their house originally lacked proper insulation, making it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature. Over the years, they made several improvements, including underfloor and ceiling insulation and installing a heat pump. However, it wasn’t until last year that they decided to take the plunge and get wall insulation.

Surprisingly affordable

The couple discovered Insulmax® while searching online. The straightforward approach detailed on the Insulmax® website caught their attention, and the affordability sealed the deal.

“Our biggest concern was around cost and whether it would be out of our price range,” says Jerry. “But when the chap from Insulmax® came to do the assessment and provide a quote, we were really happy. The cost was within our budget, making it a much better option than the expensive alternative of removing GIB board for traditional insulation.”

Easy installation

Jerry says the installation process was impressively smooth. “All the work was done in a single day, and a few weeks later, they came back to touch up the patches.

“The team was wonderful – very helpful and friendly. They handled all council compliance requirements, and we felt like we were in good hands.”

Immediate benefits

The benefits of Insulmax® became apparent almost immediately. “Our home now retains heat much better. We don’t really need the heating on at night as much.”

But Jerry explains that the biggest noticeable difference, and one that was completely unexpected, was the significant noise reduction.

“Living at the corner of two busy streets, we were used to the constant noise of traffic, including trucks, and people outside. But immediately after the installation, the reduction in noise was remarkable.”

The only way to go

The combination of improved warmth and a quieter living environment has made a tremendous difference in Jerry and Shona’s daily lives.

“The house feels cosy and warm, it’s just lovely! The added bonus of a quieter home has been a great surprise. It really is the only way to go for wall insulation.”

Jerry says he highly recommends Insulmax® to anyone considering ways to make their home warmer and quieter.

“The product is effective, the service is top-notch, and the overall improvement in home comfort is very noticeable. And even better, it’s more affordable than you might think. We couldn't be happier with the results.”


Interested in Insulmax® for your home? Contact our Auckland team today!


Note: Our case studies are conducted through interviews with our customers to provide context and background to their experiences. We greatly appreciate their willingness to share their stories, and we respect their right to privacy, which is why we use pseudonyms to protect their identities. On our website, you can find numerous testimonials in our clients' own words, accompanied by images of their homes, all available in the "Testimonials" section. For the case study itself, we have utilised stock images instead of our clients' actual homes.