allison nomorechillyvilla

No More Chilly Villa

Case Studies

Originally from the UK, Allison and her husband recently relocated from sunny Nelson to rural Feilding, settling into a charming but uninsulated, chilly 1910 weatherboard villa.

“We knew that New Zealand homes could be cold, but we didn’t realise that some homes had literally no insulation at all,” says Allison. “In the UK, homes have quite a high level of insulation so the lack of it here came as a bit of a shock.”

The villa, with its wooden floors and single-pane windows, was freezing even in summer. “With nothing between the weatherboard and the elements, you might as well live in a beautifully decorated shed!” says Allison.

Worried about winter

Having moved into the villa in summer and already feeling the chill, the couple realised they’d need to quickly find a solution to make their home liveable for the coming winter.

Allison and her husband knew there was a lot they needed to do to bring their home up to a warm standard. But with plans to slowly renovate, they also needed to be mindful of costs.

“I started researching what we could do quickly to get the most impact, and that’s when I came across Insulmax®,” she says. “It ticked all the boxes – it was quick, easy to install, effective, and affordable.”

Straightforward installation

Allison had some initial concerns about the installation process. “I was worried about the holes they’d drill and whether they’d be able to patch them up properly,” she says. “I also wondered if the insulation would actually stay in place and do its job.”

However, these concerns were quickly alleviated once the work began. “Lee, the Insulmax® Manawatu installer, was fantastic. He showed up with everything he needed and just asked for a power socket,” Allison said. “He got straight to work and had it all done within a few hours. The holes drilled for the insulation were patched up so well you’d never know they were there.”

Allison was also reassured when Lee used a thermal imaging camera to show the before and after effects of the insulation. “He explained what the different colours meant, and it was very comforting to see the tangible difference the insulation made.”

Instant results

With the insulation installed, Allison was keen to see the results. “I didn’t really think it would make such a huge difference, but it was noticeable immediately,” she says.

“Even my husband, who’s usually sceptical about these things, admitted he was impressed with how much warmer the house was. Now, when we put the heater on, the rooms retain the heat much longer.”

A top team to deal with

Allison says she was equally impressed with the professionalism and friendliness of the Insulmax® team. “Stephen, who did the initial consultation, and Lee, who handled the installation, were both wonderful. They were respectful of our home and made the whole process hassle-free.”

Get it done!

Allison says she has no hesitation in recommending Insulmax® to anyone wanting to warm up their home, in fact, she’s already recommended it to her neighbours. “Absolutely, just get it done! It works well, it’s installed in a few hours, and it’s very good value for money.”