jody revised

Taranaki Cottage Cosy Makeover

Case Studies

Jody’s 1940's Taranaki cottage has plenty of character and charm, but like many of its era, it fell short in providing warmth and comfort during the colder months. With southerly winds blowing in from nearby Mt Taranaki, winters were a constant battle against chills, condensation, and dampness.

In the hopes of warming up her winters, Jody started researching options to retrofit insulation. Having recently completed renovations in her home, including new interior paintwork, she wanted to avoid having traditional insulation which would involve major disruptions to her newly refreshed spaces. So, when she saw a TV advertisement for Insulmax®, she was keen to find out more.

Jody says dealing with the team at Insulmax® Taranaki was a pleasure from start to finish. “They were brilliant,” she says. “They explained the process thoroughly and the installation was smooth and easy. They worked solidly over one day and got the job done with minimal disruption.

“One of the first things I noticed was the noise reduction,” she says. “I live on a busy street and in the mornings the traffic and trucks rattling past is what usually wakes me up. But after the product was installed, I actually slept in – I didn’t hear the traffic. I would say there’s been about a 50% reduction in noise – so that was an unexpected bonus for sure.”

And in terms of warmth and condensation reduction? Jody says the difference has been like night and day.

“The house is very much warmer now. It feels like having a big warm woolly blanket wrapped around the whole house.

“We have a wood fire and panel heaters, but I don’t use the panel heaters anywhere near as much now. That also means that our power bills are lower which is another nice bonus.”

Jody was so impressed with the result that she also had her bach fitted with Insulmax®. “I couldn’t recommend it highly enough – the outcome has been just amazing. In fact, I recommended it to someone who lives in Stratford who has recently had it installed. He lives right under the mountain, so it gets pretty cold. He says that since having Insulmax® in the walls, his home is 9 degrees warmer, so he’s absolutely wrapped.

“For anyone considering Insulmax®, I’d say just go for it. The team are friendly and helpful, the product works incredibly well, and the value for money is excellent.”


Note: Our case studies are conducted through interviews with our customers to provide context and background to their experiences. We greatly appreciate their willingness to share their stories, and we respect their right to privacy, which is why we use pseudonyms to protect their identities. On our website, you can find numerous testimonials in our clients' own words, accompanied by images of their homes, all available in the "Testimonials" section. For the case study itself, we have utilised stock images instead of our clients' actual homes.